Monday, July 21, 2008

Transmission of T.evansi

The transmission of Trypanosoma evansi is through the bite of blood-sucking dipterous flies of the genus Tabanus.

These are known as horseflies or breeze flies. Tabanids are very determined feeder, going from host to host perversing despite disturbances. It takes five seconds of feeding time for a tabanus to become infected and it takes approximately the same amount of time for that infected fly to transmit the organism to a desired host.

The female flies are the well-known blood-suckers. There is no cyclical development occurs in biting flies because T.evansi does not survive for more than 10-15 minutes in the proboscis of the fly.They enter the blood stream and multiply by binary fission.

T. evansi can be transmitted through animal transfer from town to town, animal auctions in market day, tribal feasts such as horse fights, race tracks and arrival of new animal to the herd.

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